Here are the most recent sales data for the Courtyards at Davie Condo community located in Davie Florida for the first quarter in 2013. So far there have been 8 total sales in the Courtyards at Davie Condo community with the highest sales price of $113,000.00 for a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom Magnolia model and the lowest sales price of $60,000.00 for a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom Lily model ” The Lily is the smallest model and Does Not Have Washer / Dryer”.
So what should a seller expect in today’s market if they are looking to sell a condo in the Courtyards at Davie community?
Prices vary depending on only a few factors, overall Condition, Location and or what floor the condo is on, condos on 2nd & 3rd floors generally bring higher sales prices than a 1st floor unit because of added security but no always. Is your property all original or have you updated the property since you bought it? New tile flooring, new appliances, new fixtures are coming items that will bring you a higher sales price in the open market since more buyers are looking for a turnkey condo rather than coming in and remodeling it themselves.
If you are in the market to sell a condo in the Courtyards at Davie community the best advice is your condo is worth between 70,000 – $115,000.00 depending on which floor plan and the overall condition your condo is in all together. If you own a Magnolia Model , these are by far most in demand and you will fetch the higher end of pricing from the buyers who are looking in this community.