Soo many investors out there are trying to buy in the Royal Grand Condo community and most of them can’t understand why their offers never get accepted well i will tell you why your offers in royal grand never get accepted .
Here are some recent sales in the last 6 months in the Royal Grand Community which include Foreclosed properties and Short Sales. This 6 month period is from November 2010 to April 2011.
Closed Sales For 1 Bedrooms
2600 S University Dr #103 Sold Price $65000.00
2600 S University Dr #113 Sold Price $ 65000.00
2600 S University Dr #214 Sold Price $65000.00
Closed Sales For 2 Bedrooms
2600 S University Dr # 325 Sold Price $80000.00
2640 S University Dr #208 Sold Price $80000.00
2620 S University Dr #212 Sold Price $83500.00
2640 s University Dr #223 Sold Price $82900.00
2600 S University Dr #221 Sold Price $91000.00 ‘Yep 91K’
2620 S University Dr #306 Sold Price $85000.00
Closed Sales For 3 Bedrooms
2600 S University Dr #101 Sold Price $90000.00
2600 S University Dr #315 Sold Price $90000.00
While the 2 bedroom models offer the best return overall and they always seem to rent the quickest usually around $1200 – $1250 per month they offer the investors the best bang for their buck. 1 Bedrooms are in big demand at the current time in 2011 but rarely do 1 bedrooms come available in Royal Grand but if they do come available its best to really make sure you are getting a good unit in the community overall.
3 bedrooms look like the best return on the dollar because I know most people are thinking for only a few thousand more they should be able to increase their returns to maybe 15% compared to 10-11% with a 2 bedroom model the truth of the matter is 3 bedroom models in royal grand along with all the other investor friendly communities near the college campuses are always harder to rent for some reason or another.
Questions About Selling Your Condo?

If you are considering selling your condo location in the Royal Grand Condominium community I encourage you to reach out to me to find out how much your condo is worth in today’s market. You can call me at 954.684.3664 or use the Contact Form to send me a message.