With the inventory at an all time low in Jupiter Farms, you guessed it the prices are still climbing month after month. The Real Estate Market in Jupiter Farms is crazy at this time and with no end in sight. Its a sellers market and they are demanding everything including every last dollar you have to buy their home.
If you are a Buyer you must be extremely motivated, well qualified and act quickly on every new listing that hits the local market. You can expect every home to receive multiple offers the 1st day it becomes available and you are likely to remove most contingencies including appraisal, inspection period and financing to get your offer accepted.

2021 Housing Market Values
The averages sales price in Jupiter Farms is selling for $525,000 and prices are still rising monthly.
Type Of Property | Median Sales Price |
Single Family Homes | $720,000.00 |
Townhome / Villa | $360,000.00 |
Condominium | $386,000.00 |
The volume or total dollar amount of Jupiter Farms Homes For Sale includes Single Family Homes Only.
FEBRUARY 2021 | $1,979,900.00 |
MARCH 2021 | $7,551,000.00 |
List VS Close Price Ratio
The average list price between January & March 2021 was for $641,453.21 and there was a average closed price of $637,021.98. The average home sold for 99.3% of listing price in Jupiter Farms during the first 3 months of 2021.
Days To Sell
The average days each home took sell in Jupiter Farms was totaled 38 with most homes selling much faster. Many factors affected these numbers based on sellers needed to delay closings for personal reasons.
Home Prices Per Square Foot
The average price per square for homes sold in Jupiter Farms during the first 3 months of 2021 totaled $286.23 based on the local MLS Data. The highest price per square foot sold equaled $512.93 while the lowest price per square foot sold for $115.83.
Nearby Jupiter Market
Just a few minutes directly to the east of Jupiter Farms you will cross over into the city of Jupiter, Fl. These numbers below are the median sales prices for the city of Jupiter during the first 3 months of 2021.
You can also access the real estate market report for Jupiter Farms Here. Interested in a market report for another city or zipcode you can click here
Buyers are always looking to move to the Jupiter Farms area and this creates a perfect situation for this local market. While Spring Time is generally the best time to try and sell your home in Jupiter Farms do not think that selling your home later in the year will not produce the same demand.
Currently it is a great time to sell your Jupiter Farms home due to lack on inventory and extremely low interest rates. Low inventory has created a incredible market for sellers and we might not see this for many years again.
While the highest number of new real estate listings hit the market in Jupiter Farms during the months of May through September then usually taper off near the holidays. More inventory during the peak selling season also creates a more equal playing field for the home buyers looking in the Jupiter Farms area.
With super low interest rates now is a perfect time to sell your home in Jupiter Farms. Buyers are generally rate sensitive and will pay higher than normal when lower interest rates are available.
Is It A Buyers Market Or Sellers Market In Jupiter Farms
Most would agree that this a sellers market and buyers should react fast and be prepared to offer full price or in most cases higher on most homes for sale in Jupiter Farms that are listed for sale.
Average Cost Of Homes In Jupiter Farms
The average sales price during the first three months of 2021 in Jupiter Farms was a whopping $637,021.00.
If I Choose To Sell My Home In Jupiter Farms Who Should I Call
Call David Rogers @ 954.684.3664 to buy or sell a house in Palm Beach County