Recent Sales In Southwood Townhomes Davie Florida
In the last 180 days there has only been 1 sale in the Southwood Townhome community and it was a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bathroom model with 1567 square feet and sold for $270,000.00 on September 21st, 2017. So far in the last 365 days or 1 year there were a total of 5 sales in the community ranging in price from $249,000.00 to $271,000.00 with all of the sales happening in 2017. Average sales per year in the Southwood Townhome Community are normally between 4-6 every year.
Active Listings For Sale In Southwood Townhomes Davie Florida
Currently there are no active listings for sale or for rent in the Southwood Townhome community. Check back daily or weekly or you can always call or Contact Me to get notified when a new Townhome becomes for sale in the community.
Renting in Southwood Townhome Davie Florida
Over the last 6 months there were a total of 4 townhomes rented “ON THE MLS” ranging in price from $1950 – $2200.00 for a 4 bedroom model. In the last 12 months there were a total of 4 total leased townhomes in the Southwood community. What does MLS mean, this is short for everything that was listed through a Real Estate agent , this doesn’t count any private owners who may have rented out the townhome by owner etc.