Currently there are 57 active homes for sale in the 33323 zip code which covers areas in Plantation, FL and Sunrise , Fl including communities like Plantation Acre’s , Sunrise Golf Village, Artesia, Sawgrass Preserve and a few other single family home communities.
The highest priced listing currently is located in Plantation Florida for $1,499,000.00 and the lowest priced home for sale currently is listed at $115,000.00 in the Sunrise Golf Village area of Sunrise Florida.
What has sold so far this year in the 33323 zip code?
- Plantation has had a total of 23 homes sold ranging from $175,100.00 – $1,337,500.00
- Sunrise has had a total of 80 homes sold ranging from $105,000.00 – $336,000.00
The Sunrise Golf Village area has had the most sales so far this year mainly due to price and location for the buyers looking at a first time home. You can normally pick up a nice 3-4 bedroom home in the Sunrise Golf Village area between $140,000.00 – $210,000.00 in today’s market. Average price per square foot for the Sunrise Golf Village area is between $90.00 – $130.00 per square foot of living area. Prices will vary based on the overall condition of the home, if the home has a pool and or the home has been remodeled.
If you have questions about Buying , Selling or Renting in Plantation or Sunrise feel free to give me a call today.